Friday, July 13, 2018

Life with degenerative disc disease

Since February, we've made some changes to Bubs life. He's encouraged to not jump on and off furniture, isn't allowed to walk up and down the stairs, nor is he allowed to jump into and out of the car. It's been going well and he's improved a lot!

We've been taking it easy by just hanging out at home or visiting close family and friends.

Bubs kissing the bug
Shortly after his MRI, we started doing exercises at home as well as taking him to physical therapy once a week.

Exercises included bending each of his joints 10 times, stretching out his limbs fully 10 times, and squats (sit, stand repeat) His hind legs have gotten stronger and his space awareness has improved. He still gets wobbly when he pees (balancing on 3 legs) but a lot of times he corrects himself. 

When he was going to therapy, they were having him run on the water treadmill and gave him acupuncture. YES dogs can get acupuncture and IT WORKED!!

For Memorial Day, we tried our first long walk in Belmont, CA at Water Dog Lake park and walked the Lake Road Trail to the Berry Trail to the lake (~3 miles roundtrip) on a hot day. We noticed that his leg got lazy when he gets fatigued and carried him down after a while. After some playing in the water, he was able to walk back up but was pooped for the rest of the day.

swimming in the lake
sitting on the doc
Bubs walking dad
Good thing is that he's doing well and hasn't seized up in a few months.

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