Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Belly Rash and New Bowls

Since my last post, Bubs developed some sort of irritation on his underside and we have a strong feeling that it is from him laying down in the grass as seen in the last post. I started reading about dog rashes and have found that there are several causes: food allergy, irritation from pesticides, fertilizers, or pests to name a few.

I wish I had photographed his rashes because they started off small, increased in size, and then started having open sores because he was scratching himself. On a side note, can you imagine being so itchy that you're up scratching at night and have to be silent about it other than your scratching? Poor guy! Luckily we had some of a medicine that had been prescribed to him called Gentocin. It is a topical antibiotic spray. After using this for 1 day his rashes significantly improved and after 2 days his rash is completely gone! We have now decided to wipe him down with baby wipes when he goes into long grass to avoid any future rash flareups.

Apparently my little guy is full of problems. (he's worth it!) LOL He tends to swallow his food and sometimes throws up. He loves his new food Blue which is great! At first, we were letting him eat out of an up-side-down plastic freebie dog bowl we got from the pet store, but it was sliding around and he would tip it over trying to get the last bit of food out. I didn't like the mess or difficulty he was having as well as the sticky and sliminess from his saliva. I did a lot of research on metal vs plastic vs ceramic bowls weighed the pros and cons and settled for a slow feeder no tip bowl. They're a little pricy but worth it! I initially ordered a 16 oz water bowl and the slow feeder bowl, but found that 16oz. was wayyy too small for him and upgraded the water bowl to the 32oz size. We're very happy with the slow feeder as well as the new water bowl. He's eating slowly, they don't slide around or tip over, and they're so easy to clean!

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